Body, Mind, Soul
Before we continue with the story, let’s take a step back and look where our mythical journey takes place.
Here is a simple representation of the human psyche:
- Body: The body is an Earth suit that we wear or better say inhabit. This is the physical vessel that houses our soul. It’s a vehicle that we use to enter the physical world. The exoskeleton for the mind. The body interacts with the external environment, experiences sensations, and carries out survival functions. The body has it’s own intelligence. It is controlled by the Reptile Brain structures, with the help of the spinal cord. It is capable of acting independently and it has built-in reflexes that protects us and not letting you hurt yourself.
- Mind: It encompasses our thoughts, emotions, perceptions, and cognitive functions. It’s the seat of our consciousness and intelligence. The mind interprets the external world, processes information, and influences our behavior. It’s directly plugged into the body. Whatever happens in the body, the mind is aware of it. This is the part of you that thinks, feels, and experiences the world. It is controlled by the Monkey Brain. It it always checking the scene, if the grass is greener and if you are keeping up with the Joneses. Hence the constant nagging feeling of dissatisfaction because someone else has it and not you.
- Soul: The spiritual essence, the soul is seen as the eternal, unchanging core of a person. It’s associated with deeper meanings, purpose, and a sense of connection to something greater than oneself. The soul is what many religions and philosophies believe transcends the physical realm. It is what we mean by consciousness, identity, I. This is the real you.
Imagine yourself as a walking human-shaped flower pot. Inside this pot, there’s a beautiful, vibrant flower, which represents the true essence of who you are. Your soul dwells in your body, experiencing and interacting with the world. The brain is the soil, the soul lives somewhere in the neural pathways between the cells.
The body provides it with the means to interact with the external world. It holds and nurtures the flower, gives it life. The flower, your soul, provides consciousness, and identity. It’s the part of you that feels, thinks, and experiences the world in your own personal way.
Just as a flower needs care, sunlight, and nourishment to blossom, your soul needs the right conditions to flourish. Not just taking care of your physical health, but also nurturing your emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. When all these aspects are in harmony, the flower is blooming in its perfect pot.
Your task in this world is to cradle and support the flower of your soul. Water it with positive emotions. It’s a unique and intricate relationship that defines your existence and shapes your experience of the world.
But somehow instead of flying like fairies we’re crippled by anxiety an everyday stress. What went wrong?