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How are we wired?

Three parts of the brain we inherit from our ancestors. The replitian brain, the monkey brain and the human brain.

They all work in unison and the human baby grows through all phases.

  1. Reptilian Brain (Brainstem): This is the most primitive part of our brain, often referred to as the “reptilian brain” because it’s similar to the brain structure found in reptiles. It’s responsible for basic survival instincts like aggression, dominance, territoriality, and the fight-or-flight response. This part of the brain is associated with our most fundamental needs and instincts.

  2. Monkey Brain (Limbic System): This is the next evolutionary stage and is sometimes referred to as the “monkey brain” because it’s similar to the brain structure found in mammals. It’s primarily responsible for emotions, memory, and social interactions. This part of the brain allows for more complex behaviors and responses compared to the reptilian brain.

  3. Human Brain (Neocortex): This is the most recent evolutionary addition and is what distinguishes us from other animals. It’s sometimes called the “human brain” or the “thinking brain”. This part of the brain is responsible for advanced cognitive functions such as logic, reason, language, problem-solving, and abstract thinking. It’s what enables us to plan, innovate, and create complex societies.

During the development of a human baby, these three parts of the brain go through various stages of growth and maturation. The reptilian brain is crucial for basic survival instincts in early stages of life. The monkey brain develops as the child starts to interact with their environment and other people, experiencing emotions and forming memories. Finally, the human brain, particularly the neocortex, undergoes significant development as the child grows, allowing for higher-level thinking and complex cognitive functions.

In essence, these three parts of the brain work together in a seamless manner, each contributing to different aspects of our behavior and cognition. This layered evolution is a testament to the complexity and sophistication of the human brain.

All is full of love