think   forward


Science is a systematic approach to understanding the world around us. We use science to observe, measure, experiment, and formulate theories about the natural phenomena we encounter. This scientific method allows us to study the tangible aspects of reality, the things we can touch, see, and measure.

Christianity played a significant role in the development of science in the West. During the Middle Ages, Christian thinkers were driven by a desire to understand the intricacies of God’s creation. They believed that by studying the natural world, they were uncovering the workings of the Divine. This perspective led to a surge in scientific inquiry.

Scholars believed that by uncovering the basic elements of creation, they were peering into the mind of God. This philosophical backdrop provided a fertile ground for the growth of modern science, encouraging scientists to delve deeper into the mysteries of the universe.

But this is just the world of things, where the action take place. It’s a backdrop for the game that takes place in our heads. We construct personal narratives or myths to make sense of our lives as we go along. We always tell ourslves stories about and what we do.

We are all storytellers, crafting narratives that we think might help us navigate the complexities of life. These stories are not fictional. This is our interpretation of reality. The most important is what myths we are telling ourselves about what is going on. What are we doing? Are we winning?

Those stories unfold in a fictional space in our heads which is a reflection of the world around us. But as we know reality is much more than we can comprehend. So we pack the parts of it into the mind map in our head. The map of meaning.

While science aims to measure and explain the tangible world of things, the map of meaning is a more abstract construct. Unlike scientific maps that chart physical territory, maps of meaning chart the psychological and emotional terrain of our inner world.

Ask yourself: What do you believe is going on in you life right now?

A person’s map of meaning is constructed from a blend of personal experiences, cultural narratives, and philosophical views. It incorporates elements from their upbringing, background, beliefs, and personal reflections. It shapes how we interpret events, assign meaning to experiences, and define our values. It steers the story we tell ourselves. What do you believe is going on right now?

Science deals with empirical evidence and observable phenomena. The map of meaning grapple with abstract concepts like purpose, morality, and the nature of existence. They help us make sense of the human condition, providing a framework for understanding why we’re here and what we’re meant to do. This is where religion, philosophy, and personal introspection come into play. These maps are essential for navigating the complexities of life beyond the physical realm.

Aa map of meaning might help an individual find purpose in their work, relationships, or personal pursuits. It offers solace in times of adversity, providing a sense of direction and a framework for understanding life’s challenges.

The Hero's Journey