The brain cake
Picture your brain as a three-layered cake each with its own crucial role.
At the lower level, we have the ancient reptilian department, focused on survival. It’s responsible for our basic needs like eating, protection, and reproduction. When there’s no immediate threat, it doesn’t activate the alert. And sends signals upward to the next level.
The reptile in us ensures that we feed, protect ourselves, and pass on our genetic legacy to the next generation. This primal force is the bedrock of our existence, the instinctual beat that keeps us tethered to life.
This middle level, known as the limbic system, acts as an analyzer and organizer. It receives the signals from the lower department and assesses if there’s any real danger. If not, it calmly processes the information, puts things in their place, and files them away for future reference.
The monkey carefully observes the patterns of the world around us, weaving together threads of understanding and insight. It keeps us together allowing us to form bonds, work and build civilizations.
But what truly sets us apart as humans is the top-level department, the neocortex. This is where you, the boss, reside. It’s the realm of dreams, creativity, and the abstract thinking. It’s the part that allows you to appreciate the beauty and wonder around you.
They all work together creating a tapestry of experiences that make up the rich fabric of our lives. We come into this world not just to survive, but to experience the joy of living. Steer towards a life filled with joy and purpose.
Yet, lurking in the shadows, the flipside of love. Fear, a necessary companion in this intricate dance. Fear whispers caution, reminding us of vulnerability, urging us to protect what we hold dear. And making us want to have what others have .